Insurance Licensing Exam Prep >> Indiana >> Life / Health

IN Life & Health Flash Tutor

Package Details


Access Period:

3 months

Put your Life and Health insurance exam knowledge to the test with our Flash Tutor Life & Health flashcards. 

Our Flash Tutor flashcards have unique features including a mobile-friendly platform for students to study on the go wherever and whenever they can. Students can choose whether they want to display the term and answer with the definition, or display the definition and answer with the term. Our additional in-depth descriptions with examples will aid in comprehension of the term as it relates to the insurance industry.  

Flash Tutor gives you unlimited opportunities to test and re-test your knowledge of key insurance topics* for as long as your course is active.

*At present Flash Tutor covers common insurance topics only; it does not cover state insurance regulation topics. Order Flash Tutor flashcards today, and get a jump start on your career.
Package Includes
Life & Health Flash Tutor

Exam Requirements: Self-study exams are closed book and do not require a monitor.

Provider of Record: WebCE
Provider ID#: 70896