Real Estate Post-Licensing

Florida Real Estate Post-Licensing for Sales Associates

Course Details

Ratings Pending

Delivery Method: 


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Provider of Record: 


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Last Reviewed: 

August 2023

Study Level: 




Access Period:

12 months

Exam Requirements

Proctor Required: 


Passing Grade: 





The Florida Real Estate Post-licensing for Sales Associates course satisfies Florida's official 45-hour post-licensing requirement. There are three principal themes underlying the content of our FREPSA course. First is to give you a key-point review of the most critical laws and regulations impacting your current practice: license-related regulations, brokerage relationships review, disclosures and professional practices that form the foundations of professional practice. This review additionally includes a brief review of rules and regulations framing compliant practices in advertising, fair housing and brokerage operations.

Second, we wanted to give you a deeper exposure to more advanced, transaction-related brokerage practices that are critical to becoming a successful practitioner: market analysis; pricing; investment principles, construction knowledge, obtaining and marketing listings, and managing the pre-closing period.

Finally, we wanted to present several additional perspectives on real estate practice that can add valuable new dimensions to your future engagements in real estate practice: property management, real estate-related insurance, and risk management. And, for students who appreciate a brush-up in real estate math, we cap off the program with a comprehensive review of transaction-related math formulas and calculations.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • distinguish between types of professionals in the real estate industry and the different obligations that each have
  • judge whether an action or inaction would fall afoul of fair housing or discrimination laws
  • perform calculations to use in the context of real estate investments, taxation, and closing costs
  • understand the purpose and which types of policies are appropriate for various scenarios
  • recognize areas of risk for real estate professionals and how to mitigate those risks
  • describe the elements of the listing process and a listing agreement
  • define technical terms for topics including construction, finance, and agency
  • summarize how the real estate market is influenced by broad economic factors

Designed For

This course is designed for Florida real estate sales associates who are newly licensed or in their first year of licensure.

Exam Requirements: The final exam does not require a monitor.