Securities Exam Prep

SIE + Series 6 Complete Exam Prep Package

Package Details

  • Course:
  • Internet
  • Add Workbook +$39.90
  • Exam:
  • Internet

Access Period:

12 months

In order to obtain registration as an Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Representative, candidates must pass both the general knowledge co-requisite, the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam and the Series 6 top off exam. 

With this special package, candidates seeking entry into the securities industry and want to solicit, purchase, or sell mutual funds (closed-end funds on the initial public offering only), variable annuities, variable life insurance, unit investment trusts, and municipal fund securities (such as 529 savings plans) will get all the materials they need to prepare for the SIE exam and the Series 6 top off exam. Our study guide material is written by industry experts and updated to the latest exam content outlines.  

Included in this package, candidate’s will also get access to our powerful study tools:  
  • Exam Tutor, our diagnostic testing tool which provides unlimited customizable practice quizzes and full exam simulations. 
  • Flash Tutor, a unique drill-and-practice flashcard tool you can use on any device to put your knowledge to the test.
  • My Study Planner, a dynamic planner that allows you to establish a study plan with a specific completion goal to help you focus on incremental daily progress in the course content.
Package Includes
Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) - Exam Tutor

Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) - Study Guide

Series 6 - Exam Tutor

Series 6 - Flash Tutor

Series 6 - Study Guide

SIE Flash Tutor