Securities Exam Prep

Series 66 Complete Exam Prep Package

Package Details

  • Course:
  • Internet
  • Add Workbook +$19.95
  • Exam:
  • Internet

Access Period:

12 months

The Series 66, also known as the Uniform Combined State Law Examination is an exam and license meant to qualify an individual to provide investing and general financial advice to clients. The Series 66 qualification exam covers economic factors and business information, investment vehicle characteristics, client/customer investment recommendations and strategies, laws, regulations, and guidelines including prohibition on unethical behavior. To register as an Investment Adviser Representative (IAR) based on the Series 66, individuals must also have passed the FINRA Series 7 exam, and that registration must be active.

With this special package, candidates seeking the Series 66 registration will get all the materials needed to prepare for the Series 66 qualification exam. Our study guide material is written by industry experts and reflects the most current exam content outlines published by FINRA and NASAA. 

Included in this package, candidates will also get access to our powerful study tools:
  • Exam Tutor, our diagnostic testing tool which provides unlimited customizable practice quizzes and full exam simulations.
  • Flash Tutor flashcards, a unique drill-and-practice tool you can use on any device to put your knowledge to the test.
  • My Study Planner, a dynamic planner that allows you to establish a study plan with a specific completion goal to help you focus on incremental daily progress in the course content.
Package Includes
Series 66 - Exam Tutor

Series 66 - Flash Tutor

Series 66 - Study Guide