Intercultural Burials


Understanding intercultural burial practices is becoming increasingly important in North America. The ability to relate to other cultures is an essential skill in funerary because it makes practitioners sensitive to ethnic traditions, personal space, and even employment practices.

This course is designed to encourage a respectful attitude toward all cultures that will translate into better communication techniques and personal service. This will result in more effective community outreach and the ability to support a broader customer base.

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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • describe the origins of certain cultural and ancient burial traditions, including church floor burials, ancestor worship, and late-colonial death rituals
  • understand the current funerary customs of the predominant religions in the United States
  • recognize how funeral professionals can use communication techniques to ensure understanding among clients from different cultural backgrounds
  • acquire the flexibility to accommodate the needs of different religions and cultures
  • engage in effective community outreach and the ability to support a broader customer base

Designed For:

Funeral professionals at all levels of experience

Course Information

Adding additional credit may change exam requirements.