PAP: Med Pay/PIP/Uninsured Motorists Coverage -- CLEQ


Some payments under the personal auto policy (PAP) are made to first parties without regard to negligence. Medical payments, PIP, and uninsured motorists coverage fall within these categories.

This course provides an introduction to the medical payments and uninsured motorists (UM) coverages of the standard Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) personal auto policy (PAP). Underinsured motorists (UIM), no-fault insurance, and personal injury protection (PIP) coverage and their application are also discussed.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  • identify the coverage available under the medical payments insuring agreement
  • identify exclusions that apply to medical payments coverage
  • recognize how the limit of liability applies

Designed For

P&C producers 

International Risk Management Institute, Inc. (IRMI) is the premier provider of risk and insurance continuing education and reference publications, and is considered the ultimate authority by leading insurance practitioners. Written by industry experts, IRMI courses provide the most up-to-date, practical and reliable information possible.

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