Fair Housing for the Real Estate Industry


Despite the Fair Housing Act being over 50 years old, housing discrimination persists. Each year, HUD investigates thousands of complaints based on various protected classes. This course covers federal fair housing protections, characteristics of protected classes, fair housing violations, and anti-discrimination laws in real estate lending. It also offers business practices for real estate professionals to ensure compliance and embrace diversity.

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License or Certification 







  • explain the history and importance of the Fair Housing Act
  • identify and define protected classes
  • recognize unlawful practices in selling, brokering, and appraising residential real property
  • understand how to avoid discriminatory advertising
  • determine best practices to reduce risk for property owners and ensure fair dealing with the public
  • recognize the benefits of incorporating diversity in a real estate business

Designed For:

Real estate professionals at all levels in their career

Course Information

Adding additional credit may change exam requirements.