Asset Retirement Obligations


The term “asset retirement obligation” (ARO) refers to an obligation associated with retiring a tangible long-lived asset. ARO accounting ensures financial statements accurately reflect a company’s obligations and overall value, making it crucial for accounting professionals to understand ARO rules. This course provides an overview of AROs, focusing on ASC Topic 410-20, which covers asset retirement obligations and related costs. It contrasts with ASC Topic 410-30, which addresses environmental remediation liabilities.

Learning Objectives

  • recognize overall considerations related to the recognition of asset retirement obligations
  • identify overall measurement requirements related to asset retirement obligations
  • recognize principles around settlement of asset retirement obligations
  • recognize presentation requirements related to asset retirement obligations
  • identify disclosure requirements related to asset retirement obligations
  • differentiate between U.S. GAAP and IFRS requirements related to asset retirement obligations

Designed For

Practicing CPAs, both in public accounting and business and industry -- controllers, accountants, and other financial accounting personnel


A basic understanding of the balance sheet and its components

Advanced Preparation


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