Accounting for Intangibles


Intangible assets can significantly impact a company’s balance sheet if misvalued. ASC 350 outlines when and how to test for impairment, recognize, and report it. This course covers intangible asset impairment rules, distinguishing between finite-lived (e.g., patents) and infinite-lived assets (e.g., goodwill), with a focus on goodwill impairment.

Learning Objectives

  • recognize the criteria required to be met in order to recognize an intangible asset
  • differentiate between the various types of intangible assets identify subsequent measurement requirements for intangible assets
  • identify the initial and recognition and measurement requirements for goodwill
  • recognize characteristics of reporting units as it relates to goodwill impairment testing
  • differentiate between the required steps in the goodwill impairment process
  • identify specific aspects of the private company alternative to goodwill impairment
  • recognize recent developments with respect to goodwill impairment testing

Designed For

Practicing CPAs, CFEs, and CMAs both in public accounting and business and industry -- controllers, accountants, and other financial accounting personnel

Advanced Preparation


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